Temporary Burning to be Allowed

Burning will be allowed in Lake California for residents on their private property only. No burning shall take place by residents on LCPOA common areas or greenbelts. We have determined that a significant hazard exist with an excessive accumulation of down fall following the snow storm in February. This excessive fuel loading poses a significant summer time fire hazard to our community.  This is an

emergency fuels reduction program aimed at reducing the fuel loading caused by the storm. Time frame will be April 1, 2019 to May 15, 2019 on proper burn days determined by Cal Fire. After this set time frame burning is not allowed by residents per rule RR-06-06 Burning. 


A free burn permit must be obtained from CAL FIRE (closest is the Bowman Station) for burning taking place from May 1, 2019 to May 15, 2019.  Cal Fire guidelines regarding what can and can't be burned, how big the piles must be, who must be in attendance, when and when not to burn, what is needed for burning and the phone number to determine if it is a burn day or not, etc. must be followed. CAL FIRE will administer the process. Residents that do not follow burn procedures will be cited/fined by Cal Fire and the LCPOA.


Lake California