Architectural Additions & Alterations
The Architectural Committee (AC) of the Lake California Property Owners Association, Inc. (LCPOA) has been established in accordance with the CC&R’s recorded for the Lake California development.
The purpose of the committee is to help insure property owners that the general plan of the development is followed. All building plans are carefully reviewed for compliance, to insure all property owners that new construction will not impair the future value of the community.
In order to accomplish this purpose, the AC shall approve all plans and specifications in accordance with the CC&R’s, the Rules and Regulations, and the Architectural Rules of the Association.
Per the CC&R’s, the AC is composed of five (5) members and two (2) alternate members who are unpaid community resident volunteers appointed by the Board of Directors. Committee members serve under the guidance of the POA Board.
Any vacancies that exist are to be filled by appointment of the Board. The AC Members are appointed by the POA Board. The POA Board also appoints the Committee Chairman. The Committee Chairman appoints the Vice-Chairman.
Note: The Architectural Committee may utilize a 45-day review period. Time starts once an application is complete. All applications fall under the 45-day maximum review time.
For an application to be complete all requirements for new construction, in the “Architectural Committee Rules” book, must be met and all documents submitted for pre-AC review. Individual requests for alterations can be submitted for approval using the Additions & Alteration form that is available at the LCPOA association office in Goff Hall.
Any project that falls under Architectural Committee jurisdiction cannot proceed until AC approval has been granted. New construction requires AC approval, a Tehama County Building Permit presented to the office, and POA building fee and deposits paid before the project begins. Penalties will be levied against property owners in violation of this provision.
Committee Meetings: second friday of every month @ 9:00 am Goff Hall Conference Room.
Architectural Committee Members:
Notice to All Contractors and Builders
*Remember to be considerate of your neighbors and keep your job sites neat & orderly. Construction time is Sunrise to Sunset, five days a week Monday through Friday (including holidays), Saturdays and Sundays the time is 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Thank You,
Your Architectural Committee