Wildfire Preparedness Day - April 24th, 2021

Cal Fire will be holding a “Wildfire Preparedness Day” on Saturday, April 24th from 10:00 AM– 2:00 PM. This couldn’t happen without the support and coordination provided by TCFD Company 2 and Lake California. The intent of the event is to educate the community through a static display and local outreach. The plan is to have a static display at the Lake Club and our defensible space inspectors out in the community. The static display will include a visual presentation, handouts, and conversation along with fire apparatus. The defensible space inspectors will not be completing inspections on homes, that is not the intent. They will be out in the different zones as referenced in the Multi-Hazard Emergency Evacuation Plan and talking with the community.

Items to be covered:

Ready, Set, Go! – This will cover topics including seasonal actions and plan, prepare, stay aware         https://www.readyforwildfire.org/

Get Ready! – This will cover defensible space, hardening your home, and fire resistant landscaping          https://www.readyforwildfire.org/

Lake California Multi-Hazard Emergency Evacuation Plan – This will cover the basics of the plan including terminology, shelter in place zones/locations, and notifications   http://www.lakecalifornia.net/resident-resources/document-center   

Lake California